Eco Taskforce
With the launch of our range of recyclable and 100% compostable bags, and the first meeting of our internal taskforce to reduce the environmental impact of activities across the business, we our committed to pioneering ‘green thinking’ in the meat industry.
Our Eco-Taskforce (which was set up in July 2021) continues to identify and work through green initiatives and we are pleased to report that we will be planting a number of trees as part of our 30th anniversary celebrations. In addition to this we have made a donation to the Woodland Trust to offset our carbon omissions.
We signed up to the SME Climate Hub which supports SMEs to meet international climate targets — halving their emissions by 2030 and providing climate solutions which cut emissions more widely across society.
Supplier and DB Foods produced product packaging has been reviewed to look at what recyclable materials could be used as an alternative. We will also be undertaking a wider review of all consumables to identify suitable eco-friendly alternatives, where applicable.
One of our aims is to become a paperless office and we have invested in new IT software throughout the business which will greatly assist in reducing paper. We have moved many of our customers over to email invoicing/statements with a view to potentially implementing a ‘green tax’ for those customers wishing to receive in paper format.
We are looking at our in-house IT system functionality to review what reporting could be done virtually, negating the need to print. Another initiative being taken forward is a QA system within our production facility.
We have non-confidential paper/card recycling in place and are looking at extending this to bottles/cans etc. over the next few months.
We are also pleased to report that since moving IT to a cloud-based system, we have reduced our carbon emissions by 26.5 tons.
We purchased eight new fully electric cars which were delivered in September and November 2021 and we continue to monitor our overall fleet with a view to switching to fully electric vehicles where possible.