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Expanding our Range

August 27th, 2021|Categories: News|

Supporting independents nationally we strive to supply you with everything you need.  We provide our customer base with ‘real life’ supporting range extensions and really champion serving the [...]

Launch of DB Select

August 9th, 2021|Categories: News|

In response to demands from the High Street butchers, DB Foods has launched its own new premium brand "DB Select" that represents the quality, consistency and value its [...]

DB Family

August 9th, 2021|Categories: News|

New Appointments: We are delighted to welcome new starters Donat Katona as IT Systems Engineer, Adrian Bordinc as Production Operative and Scott Greenhill as Hygiene Operative, based at [...]

30th Birthday

July 26th, 2021|Categories: News|

‘It has been quite a journey and I am finding it hard to process that it has been 30 years’, says Trading and Purchasing Director, Stuart Robson, [...]


July 12th, 2021|Categories: News|

Marinades, Glazes, Coaters and Burger Mixes.  The essential ingredient.  To order please call sales on 01202 238238 or speak to your rep today!

New Directors Commendation Awards

July 2nd, 2021|Categories: News|

Do you know someone who has suggested improvements which have benefited the company, or someone who has gone the extra mile? Our Director Commendation Award has just been [...]

Thoughts on Turning 30

June 29th, 2021|Categories: News|

As DB Foods reached its milestone anniversary, we asked Chief Executive, Gary Smith, to share his thoughts with us and what he thinks it means for the business. [...]

In the Press

June 25th, 2021|Categories: News|

We were delighted when Meat Management Magazine wanted to interview our CEO, Gary Smith on 30 years in the wholesale meat business. To view the article, simply click [...]

DB Foods 30th Anniversary

May 28th, 2021|Categories: News|

It is with tremendous delight and huge pride that we are marking our 30th birthday with a host of celebrations during our anniversary year. In tribute to this, [...]

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